Audio Books

COLREGs Audio Book (A001)

Introducing our 'COLREGs Audio Book,' developed in partnership with Sam Ellison using cutting-edge AI technology. Covering Rules 1 to 37 (plus Annex IV - Distress Signals), this innovative audio book transforms the way seafarers can master the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs).

Ideal for those with busy schedules or who learn most effectively by listening, the audio format allows you to absorb crucial information on the go – whether you're commuting, working out or relaxing at home. The immersive listening experience reinforces learning through repetition and auditory engagement, helping you to remember and apply the regulations effectively, both in real life and in your MCA oral exam.

The price given here (£15) is for one month but there are discounts available for longer terms and for Cadets. Two months is £25 and three is £40. Cadets are offered a further discount, so one month is £7.50, two is £10 and three is £15.

To take advantage of any of these offers, please contact us on WhatsApp on +447900268843.
  • What Do I Need To Learn Verbatim?
  • Part A - General
  • Rule 1 - Application
  • Rule 2 - Responsibility
  • Rule 3 - General Definitions
  • Part B - Section I - Conduct of vessels in any condition of visibility
  • Rule 4 - Application
  • Rule 5 - Look Out sample
  • Rule 6 - Safe Speed
  • Rule 7 - Risk of Collision
  • Rule 8 - Action to Avoid Collision
  • Rule 9 - Narrow Channels
  • Rule 10 - Traffic Separation Schemes
  • Part B - Section II - Conduct of vessels in sight of one another
  • Rule 11 - Application
  • Rule 12 - Sailing Vessels
  • Rule 13 - Overtaking
  • Rule 14 - Head-on Situation
  • Rule 15 - Crossing Situation
  • Rule 16 - Action by Give Way Vessel
  • Rule 17 - Action by Stand On Vessel
  • Rule 18 - Responsibilities Between Vessels
  • Part B - Section III - Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
  • Rule 19 - Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility
  • Rule 20 - Application
  • Rule 21 - Definitions
  • Rule 22 - Visibility of Lights
  • Rule 23 - Power-Driven Vessels Underway
  • Rule 24 - Towing and Pushing
  • Rule 25 - Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars
  • Rule 26 - Fishing Vessels
  • Rule 27 - Vessels NUC or RAM
  • Rule 28 - Vessel Constrained by Their Draught sample
  • Rule 29 - Pilot Vessels
  • Rule 30 - Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground
  • Rule 31 - Seaplanes
  • Part D - Sound And Light Signals
  • Rule 32 - Definitions
  • Rule 33 - Equipment for Sound Signals
  • Rule 34 - Manoeuvring and Warning Signals
  • Rule 35 - Sound Signals in Restricted Visibility
  • Rule 36 - Signals to Attract Attention
  • Rule 37 - Distress Signals
  • Annex IV - Distress Signals
  • Annex IV - Distress Signals
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed